Sea-ice research at the Max Planck Institute for Meteorology and the Universität Hamburg

The Sea Ice Physics laboratory of the Max Planck Institute for Meteorology is located at the Universität Hamburg and driven in close collaboration between the Max Planck Institute and the university. Using the facilities of the laboratory our sea ice research group at the Institute of Oceanography under the direction of Prof. Dr. Dirk Notz combines theory and observations to obtain a robust understanding of sea-ice physics. We are working on different scales, from microscale intrinsic properties of sea ice, like brine channels, to global changes in sea ice and drivers of sea-ice coverage.

The sea-ice laboratory is used both for education and for research. Research projects, including study projects and thesis are focused on fundamental aspects of sea-ice physics, sea-ice biogeochemistry and air-ice-sea interaction under a wide range of controlled environmental conditions. Repeatable and replicable experiments yield evaluation data for model simulations. Moreover, the laboratory is used as a testing and calibration facility for new measurements methods and instrument developments.