Ice Research at HSVA
The Arctic Technology at HSVA department conducts in-house research to improve testing procedures and the development of engineering tools. For this purpose HSVA participates in research projects or acts as service provider in research projects.
Facility Description
The Hamburg Ship Model Basin operates ice testing facilities including a rectangular 70 by 10m Large Ice Model Basin (LIMB) with a water depth of 2.5m and a 12m long deep section with water depth of 5m. The LIMB is equipped with a towing carriage with a speed range of 0.01 to 3.0 m/s and a towing capacity of 5 tons. The temperature in the LIMB can be adjusted within a range of -20°C to plus 5°C which allows growing either natural ice or seeded model ice of different properties. The standard thickness range for model ice used for maritime projects is between 10 a 70mm but the freezing period can be extended for scientific projects such that ice thickness values up to 30cm can be realized. The water in the ice basin contains abt.7ppt of sodium chloride.
A wave generator can be installed in the forward part of the ice basin. The wave generator covers the entire width of the ice basin and is able to generate regular waves with a maximum height of 0.25m and irregular waves with a maximum height of 0.13m.
In addition a dry ice laboratory adjacent to the ice basin is available for ice mechanical and material testing such as compressive strength tests, friction tests and thin sectioning.
For detailed information on HSVA ice testing facilities please consult our institute's website.
Selected Projects
HSVA provides support to scientists during planning, preparation and conduction of experimental campaigns in the arctic testing facilities.
Reference Projects:
- Hydralab
- University College London
- University Center in Svalbard
- Norwegian University of Science and Technology
- Hamburg University of Technology: